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A weird fish on the bottom of the sea.
With no muscle in its body, the blobfish looks like a gelatinous globule floating near the sea bed. It sometimes appears to have a human-like face with eyes, lips and a disproportionately big nose. If taken out of the water, it dries out and loses its human-like appearance. Also known as Psychrolutes marcidus, the blobfish belongs to the family Psychrolutidae, or fatheads.
Mr Blobby the Blobfish on
Scientists talk about the Blobfish
The blobfish can grow up to 12 inches (30.5 cm) in length. A deep sea fish, it lives at depths of up to 2,700 feet (823 m) in the waters off the coasts of southeast Australia and Tasmania. There have been few sightings of this peculiar creature because of the extreme depth of its habitat. Although its exact life expectancy is unknown, deep water fish such as the blobfish tend to live longer than shallow water fish. Some deep sea species live for as long as 130 years because of their slow rate of reproduction, growth and aging.
Fishin' for facts
A small pdf blobfish information file
The female blobfish lays thousands of eggs at once and stays near the eggs until they hatch, creating a nest. The female usually floats above the eggs or sometimes rests against the eggs. Several females often nest near one another, a behavior for which the cause still is unknown.
the blobfish is inedible and yet if over fished and pushed to the brink of extinction. these fish might not be the cutest or the most cuddly which is why they need our help if they don't have anyone to stand up for them they will all die and that would be terrible and humiliating for everone because there is no reason to hunt them, they are inedible and no bother or threat to anyone. so if you would like to stop this horror signing is the first step!!!!
Short Blobfish video
Unlike most fish, the blobfish has no gas bladder to maintain buoyancy. Its gelatinous body with low density allows it to hover in water, which has a higher density. It has no muscle, so it rarely moves, and it spends most of its time floating in the same area. This preserves energy in its deep sea habitat, where there is little food available. Scientists believe that the blobfish does not hunt; instead, it opens its mouth and sucks in little organic particles that drift by.