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Neptune Canada 16 jan. 2013
Laurence Coogan is Project Leader of a Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) 2012 Leading Edge Fund award to expand research at the Endeavour segment of the Juan de Fuca ridge in the northeast Pacific Ocean, approximately 200 km offshore Vancouver Island.
Dr. Coogan is an associate professor with the School of Earth and Ocean Sciences at the University of Victoria.
The Alfred Wegener Institute
Deep-sea long-term observatory HAUSGARTEN
7 okt 2008
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Deepest-living fish caught on camera for the first time
​The SERPENT Project
SERPENT is a global project hosted by the DEEPSEAS group, within Ocean Biogeochemistry and Ecosystems (OBE) at the National Oceanography Centre in Southampton (NOC). The project has a growing network of UK and global partners.

18 feb 2010
A t 1443m, this tripod fish (Bathypterois sp.) swims lazily away from the ROV, then decides to turn and have a look.
Smithsonian Institution
​Cephalopod video: Magnapinna sp.
4 dec 2012
ROV Tiburon, May 2001, north of Oahu, Hawaii (21.9° N, 158.2° W), 3380 m. Squid was videotaped for nearly 10 min. When first encountered, it was hovering vertically in the bent-arm posture with the filamentous appendages touching the sediment-covered bottom. Its body was estimated to be ca. 1 m long and the arm crown 3-4 m.
From: M. Vecchione, R.E. Young, A. Guerra, D.J. Lindsay, D.A. Clague, J.M. Bernhard, W.W. Sager, A.F. Gonzalez, F.J. Rocha, and M. Segonzac. 2001. Worldwide observations of remarkable deep-sea squids. Science, vol. 294: 2505-2506.
Online abstract:
The Deepsea Research Newsgroup
The DEEPSEA Research Newsgroup exists to serve as an electronic forum for the world's community of deep-sea and hydrothermal vent/seep biologists, oceanographers, and geologists. Frequent uses of DEEPSEA include searches for specialist literature or opinion, specimen exchange, technical discussions, and general discussions about deep-sea marine biology and geology. As of December 1995, DEEPSEA had over 600 members representing more than 35 countries.

Moderator: Dr. Magnus Johnson, University of Hull, U.K.
Scripps Institution of Oceanography
offers the latest ocean and earth science news coverage from Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego.
​NOAA is an agency that enriches life through science. Our reach goes from the surface of the sun to the depths of the ocean floor as we work to keep citizens informed of the changing environment around them.
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