The Discovery of the West Mata Volcano (by NOAAPMEL)
Scientists at NOAA’s Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory along with University partners, in an expedition sponsored by NOAA’s Office of Exploration and Research and the National Science Foundation, captured an active underwater eruption on video during a research cruise in 2009. Located in the Northeast Lau Basin in the South Pacific Ocean, the West Mata volcano is also one of the deepest underwater eruptions ever discovered with its base lying in over 9,000 feet of water. Scientists witnessed molten lava flowing across the deep ocean sea floor for the very first time giving them a firsthand look at the way ocean islands and submarine volcanoes are born.
Kraki the Octopus Broods at ODP 889
18 aug 2010
18 May 2010: At ODP 889 (1256m below the sea surface), we happened upon an abandoned rice cooker or crock-pot and screwdriver upon which sat a large crab. The ROPOS pilot carefully opened the lid. Inside, we discovered a mother octopus with her brood of eggs! Collaborating scientist suggested adopting this creature as the Bubbly Gulch mascot. We're calling her "Kraki."
For photos see
Brittle Star Food Fight
31 aug 2010
While installing a science node at our Middle Valley location (2400m below sea level), the ROPOS pilot focused his camera on a scuffle over a dead shrimp. Ophiuroids, better known as brittle stars demonstrate their speed, agility and skill in limb-to-limb combat.
Note: this video is a re-make of an earlier one posted on our YouTube channel -- with improved video and sped-up action.
Humboldt Squid in Barkley Canyon
5 aug 2009
This group of Humboldt Squid were observed feeding on small fish during a recent installation dive by ROPOS in Barkley Canyon. Location: 48.31036N, 126.0652W. Depth: 275 m.
ROPOS ( is operated by the Canadian Scientific Submersible Facility
Rattail Fish Inspection
22 apr 2010
14 September 2009: As ROPOS used a zip-pump to evacuate a caisson embedded in muddy seafloor sediment, a curious rattail fish visited to inspect the operation. Later this day, a broadband seismometer was placed in the caisson and buried in glass beads.
Our deep-sea installation activities often attracted the interest of rattail fish (a.k.a. grenadiers), which seemed un-fazed by the noises and light emanating from ROPOS.
Squid VS Robot
15 jun 2012
While conducting a routine dive off the coast of British Columbia, the remotely operated vehicle ROPOS is attacked by a Cthulhu warrior!
Mysterious Creature recorded by Oceaneering (25-4-2012)
2 jun 2010
A compilation of video clips collected in deepwater by the Little Hercules Remotely Operated Vehicle and camera platform during an ROV shakedown cruise aboard NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer offshore Kona, Hawaii (March 2010). The video footage shows a pelagic sea cucumber (apodid holothurian), Venus flytrap sea anemone (actinoscyphiid sea anemone), tipod fish (chlorophthalmid tipod fish), flatfish (pleuronectiform flatfish), eel (bongrid conger eel), shrimp (benthic caridean likely nematocarcinid shrimp), actiniid Bolocera-like sea anemone with a galatheid crab, Glass sponge and demospongid with hermit crab, and hexactinellid (glass) sponge next to a primnoid coral. Video Credit: NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research.
Ghostly Skate on Juan de Fuca Ridge
28 feb 2012
10 July 2011: While inspecting a cable lay over the rugged terrain of the Endeavour segment of Juan de Fuca ridge, we encountered this ghostly skate. This video was recorded by the remotely operated vehicle ROPOS at a depth of 2088m.
Microcosm on a Sponge
24 dec 2009
During our installation work in Barkley Canyon, we encountered this sponge growing at 937m, playing host to a slow-moving crab and numerous tiny shrimp.
Squid Antics on Barkley Slope
4 feb 2010
Curious Humboldt Squid monitored operations as we prepared to install the Barkley Slope seismometer in the seafloor at a depth of 400m (8-September-2009). Video taken by ROPOS, which is operated by the Canadian Scientific Submersible Facility (CSSF).
Window Washing Shrimp
12 aug 2011
Wally the Crawler, a remotely operated vehicle, is normally stationed in the gas hydrates outcrops of Barkley Canyon (depth 870m). Wally is operated through the Internet by researchers at Jacobs University in Bremen, Germany.
On this day, Wally's webcam watched as a shrimp clung to the outside of the webcam's protective glass sphere, perhaps feeding on bacteria or detritus. Watch as the shrimp struggles to hold its footing in the strong seafloor current.
Video recorded by Dr. Laurenz Thomsen, Jacobs University.
Crab Flip
3 jul 2012
Crabs are doing something very unusual in this clip. They seem to be attracted to the gas bubbling from the sediment. Watch as one crab flips, apparently lifted from the bottom by buoyant frozen gas stuck to its belly!
Video recorded during a dive in the Barkley Canyon hydrates outcrops, 29 May 2012.
oceannetworks canada
Oil-eating tubeworms and a 15-tentacled sea cucumber are among the 5,000 deep-dwelling species identified by the Census of Marine Life, a ten-year effort to chronicle life in the deep ocean. Video Courtesy: Census of Marine Life.