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Dumbo Octopus at Suiyo Seamount
23 mei 2009
Like a Dumbo, Like an Angel
It was taken in a depth of 1,329m at Suiyo Seamount of Izu-Ogasawara Islands in July, 1992. This image is "Grimpoteuthis sp, ". The body has a gelatinous texture, fin is big like an oar as if to fly like an Angel or like a Dumbo's Ear. There seems to be a report that specimens of 80mm in length were sampled in the North Atlantic Basin, however research of the species hasn't completed yet.
Reference : Marine Mollusks in Japan edited by Takashi OKUTANI, 2000
Submersible : Shinkai2000
Dive: 627
Date of dive : 1998/09/24
Diving area: Seven Week Day Seamounts Suiyo seamount
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