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Sperm whale

Cetacean Family


Families and Species within this grouping

Physeteridae:  Sperm Whale (Physeter macrocephalus)
Monodontidae:  Beluga (Delphinapterus leucas), Narwhal (Monodon monoceros)

Physeteridae Defining Characteristics

Square assymetrical head (takes us 1/3 of body length)
Males can reach 60ft (18.3m) and weigh 125,000lbs (56,699kg).
Females average 36 ft (11 m), 33,000 lbs (14,967 kg)
36 – 50 large cone-shaped teeth in lower jaw, mainly in males
Blubber is nearly 14” thick
Hunt and navigate by echolocation
Eat squid, smaller squid, fish, sharks, crabs, octopus
Color ranges from dark gray, black, white (albino)
Communicate with patterned clicks

Sperm Whale

Interesting Facts

Dive depths of more than a mile
Can stay underwater for more than an hour
Pregnancy lasts 14 – 16 months
Interval between births is 5 – 7 years
Dive deeper than any other whale
Females do not dive as deep as males
The strongest social ties are between mothers and calves
Teeth don’t emerge until approximately 10 years of age

Habitat Range

Found in oceans worldwide

Threats to Survival

Collisions with boats

Life Expectancy

Maximum estimated expectancy is 77 years

Monotontidae Defining Characteristics
(Belugas and Narwhals)

Medium sized animals 13 – 19 ft (4 – 6m) in length
Weigh up to 3500 lbs (1600 kg)
No dorsal fin
Found in high latitudes
Travel in groups
Feed near the bottom
Feed on fish, squid, crustaceans, octopi, worms
White to white – gray coloring
Very vocal with others of their species
Approximately 5 ft (1.3m) at birth

“Two Views, Narwhal and Shark”
William Scoresby. NBWM Kendall Collection

Habitat Range

Arctic Ocean
Freshwater rivers that empty into the Arctic

Threats to Survival

Polar Bears

Life Expectancy

Estimated 25 – 50 years


movie: Courtesy of Howard Hall, music by Shie Rozow

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