Scale Worm (Polychaetes)
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Their ability to survive in most extreme conditions, including both the freezing sub-zero temperatures of the sea floor and the almost 750 °F (400 °C) super-heated waters near the hydrothermal vents makes them capable of survival in basically any conditions found on Earth
10 never-before-seen species in deep Atlantic Ocean
Scientists from Britain and 16 other countries have just found surprises in deep Atlantic Ocean after a six-week expedition to explore the seabed.
The Pompeii Worm, Alvinella pompejana
General Information For Educators Advanced Resources
A new species of scale-worm (Polychaeta: Polynoidae),
Lepidonotopodium jouinae sp. nov., from the Azores
Triple Junction on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
and Stéphane H O U R D E Z
Ifremer, Centre de Brest, BP 70, 29280 Plouzané, France.
Station Biologique, UPMC-CNRS-INSU, BP 74, 29682 RoscojfCédex, France.
Monsters of the deep: Tiny sea creatures that never see sunlight look like they're from another planet
Geoffrey Bernard Read, Ph.D.
National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research, Private Bag 14-901, Kilbirnie, Wellington, New Zealand
Read, G.B. 1974: Studies on the systematics, heteronereid forms, swarming, and larval development of the Nereidae (Polychaeta) in Wellington Harbour. Unpublished M.Sc. Thesis. Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.
Read, G.B. 1983: Population ecology studies on infaunal polychaetes of Pauatahanui Inlet. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis. Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.